Awesome Swedes Show Up to Protest Nazi Protest

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In Sweden, there is freedom of the press.  Which means, people have the freedom to be racist.

Nazis in Sweden are nothing new. Neo-Nazi’s celebrating the election of a U.S. president? That is something to write about.

A news report has been going around about how the Neo Nazi’s in Sweden gathered in Stockholm on Saturday in the largest protest yet in order to celebrate Mr. Trump’s win of the presidency in the United States.  This meeting was planned for a few days, as I did read a notice from the US Embassy in Stockholm warning travelers of the protest.

500 people gathered together in total to celebrate Trump’s win. Sweden held up its awesomeness though, as thousands gather in order to protest racism and take a stand.

anti nazi protest stockholm

Here is a video of the protest from the UK Independent of the protesters clashing with each other.

Unfortunately one police officer was injured and about 50 were removed from the protest.

I am proud for the awesome Swedes standing up to hate.  A Trump Presidency is scary for a lot of people. Its good to know we have people in Sweden on the side of love and acceptance of everybody just as they are.

2 thoughts on “Awesome Swedes Show Up to Protest Nazi Protest”

  1. i compleatly agree with this post but there is something you should be aware of although protesting nazis is the right thing to do, you included a Video from antifaschistisk aktion or “AFA” (the top one) witch seems to have a good message (ie opposing nazis and other kinds of racism and fachists) the swedish branch of the network have had less than stellar record when it comes to violence and “outing” people on their website leading to many left leaning organisations disawowing their actions wicth has in somecases led to fatalities.
    (Oh and sorry for the longwinded comment was not really my intention, i really like this blog though)

    • Don’t apologize! Always welcome input as I am one person and can’t see it all. Comment anytime, I had no idea about any of that.

      While it is hard, it is so important to remain peaceful. Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. showed the world that a difference can be made without violence.


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