
A Fika in Phoenix

There are some pros to living in a big city. Bozeman, Montana, where I first ended up, only had 30,000 people in the area. While many of them had Swedish heritage, there was not much Swedish culture. Phoenix is a whole different story though. I run into a lot of Swedes! Many have lived here … Read more

Ikea Phoenix

For the Love of Ikea

I miss Sweden. I’ll be the first to admit it. The little things, the food, and I only lived in the country for 2 years! Well, I know Ikea has some awesome Swedish things. But I am not a fan of Ikea. I don’t like the maze they make you walk through, and how you … Read more

Finding Swedish Food

Now some of you may have noticed my excitement on Facebook when I discovered knackebrod in my local grocery store. O.M.G! (Oh, and for those of you not as lucky as me, you can buy it online!) So now I just have to figure out what to eat with it. Besides begging friends to mail … Read more