| Fat Tuesday | Waffle Day | Easter | Walpurgis Night | Mother’s Day |
| Midsummer | Halloween | Lucia | Christmas |
Tradition in Sweden
As with most of Europe, there is not much Halloween tradition in Sweden. Any tradition that does exist in Swedish halloween comes directly from America.
It is difficult, unlike in the United States, to find very much Halloween-themed decorations prior to and around October 31, at least in Norrland. I’d be very surprised if Stockholm was the same.
Trick-or-treating in Sweden is non-existent. Pumpkins are available to purchase so some people must carve them, but the Swedes I ask all say it is not typical. There is also really no Halloween candy available, and certainly nothing such as candy corn or traditional Halloween treats. Of course, Swedish candy, or godis (pronounced goodies) are available year round and make an excellent substitute.
Swedes do however love any excuse to party. And Halloween, though traditionally American, gives a great reason to dress up and get drunk. At first I wondered what Swedes would consider a Halloween costume and had some fear they would be shy like my Czech friends… I was happily proven wrong!
Halloween 2010
Our party guests were very excited to celebrate this American holiday with us. Everyone dressed to the nines and I’m not certain we had a single guest with a lackluster costume.

And even more impressive was the home made ninja turtle costume!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately he was an amateur, as he could not sit or eat with the costume on. But being hard core, he refused to take off any part for any comfort the entire evening.

Got together with some friends for pumpkin carving. While two of the Swedes had carved a pumpkin before, there was a pumpkin virgin in the group. Now they are all hooked.