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It is great how many free resources there are available on the Internet to learn Swedish. However, sometimes I want to learn away from my computer. Sometimes I want to spend a little extra money to get that great program I can use without an Internet connection.

All of these paid Swedish resources I have personally tried.

Swedish Textbooks


NyborjarsvenskaWhen I first started learning Swedish in Prague my Swedish speaking Finnish teacher recommended this blue book, along with the yellow workbook that of course comes with a key. To this day it is still one of my favorite workbooks. Because the CDs are extremely hard to find (I had absolutely no luck), it is best to use this workbook with a Swede to practice pronunciation. However the lessons are easy to follow, they clearly go through the grammar, and the vocabulary repeats. The workbook is also great because it not only gives you exercise for your current lesson, but it gets tricky and had exercises on learned material from previous lessons. The main blue textbook you can find for about $31, while the yellow workbook costs about $29.

Swedish: Essentials of Grammar

essentials of Swedish grammarThis grammar book I was recommended at SFI, the free Swedish course for foreigners. A few weeks later I bought the book for myself! It is the perfect grammar reference. Whenever I’m a tad confused about grammar, this is the book I turn to. It is written completely in English for all the grammar rules but uses Swedish examples when explaining the grammar so there is no confusion. It is definitely a reference book anybody who is serious about learning Swedish should own. You can find this book online, and for only $12 it is well worth it!

Teach Yourself Swedish

teach_yourself_swedishI’m not sure where I came across this book, but it is a cute little course. It has a bit too much English for my liking, but if this is the first foreign language you are learning, you might be more comfortable with it. Each chapter starts with a dialogue followed by vocabulary you need to learn to understand the vocabulary. There is a great “What you need to know” section that talks about Swedish culture. This book also takes you step by step through Swedish grammar and of course exercise to make sure you understand everything you read. The CDs complement the course with the pronunciation of all the dialogue. Its a fun little course for learning Swedish. You can find it online for about $50.


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