Crafting Swedish Cuisine
Living in Sweden and finding myself amidst a flurry of delicious and delightful Swedish food gives me all the more reason to abandon my typical diet with a gusto. This section contains a plethora of authentic Swedish recipes originating from the Karlsten kitchen as well as other yummies from Swedish friends.
Like all cultures, Swedish cuisine is unique and tailored to the local produce. I regularly cook and/or consume these foods, and in some cases find them preferable to American foods. Enjoy the treats I have elected to share here, and happy eating!
The Karlsten Family has initiated me into the world of Swedish cooking, and for that I am very grateful.
Swedish Waffles

While waffles are cooked throughout the year in Sweden, Waffle Day, which falls on March 25th, is the day you especially have to make Swedish waffles.
Best served with whipped cream and jam, you can eat Swedish waffles for breakfast or as a simple fika. Check out these two recipes for some great Swedish waffles!
These delicious cinnamon rolls are common for fika time, and you will see plenty of them in bakeries and coffee shops. Bring Sweden into your kitchen by making your own! Surprisingly not that hard, especially if you have a machine to knead the dough for you. Doing it by hand is a great workout though!
Meatball and Mushroom Pasta
I had a bunch of funnel chanterelle mushrooms picked from the Swedish forest, and wanted to make a yummy pasta sauce with it. Luckily I found a version of this recipe and modified it a bit.
The meatballs give it an extra Swedish touch, and it makes enough for a family of four, or plenty of left overs!
Thank you to my Swedish loving roommate for helping me cook it!
Don’t let the name (it translates to “sticky cake”) fool you. This cake is very easy to make, with basis ingredients and a ready to server time in 30 minutes! It is also very delicious and would go great with some Swedish coffee!
Recipe was tweeted by @thirzah

These fun little bread rolls are roasted on the fire and goes great with sausages. It is a fun summer treat that Swedish children love! And the recipe is super simple and will keep the children occupied for hours!
Swedish Potato Pancakes with Bacon

These fabulous pancakes are not as hard to make once you get the hang of it. More of a lunch or dinner meal, as they aren’t sweet, and they are very Swedish!
Recipe from Jenny Ström.
Pickled Herring Easter Eggs

While pickled herring might be hard to find if you aren’t in Sweden, it is something very Swedish and served on special occasions such as Easter and Christmas. A great appetizer for the Jul or Påsk smörgåsbord.
Recipe from Jenny Ström.
Easter Shrimp Eggs

Shrimp is another ingredient that is popular in cold Swedish recipes such as sandwiches and appetizer. These deviled eggs use Shrimp and caviar as a topper and are usually served during Påsk, or Easter in Sweden.
Recipe from Jenny Ström.

These yummy paste filled buns are traditional eaten on Fat Tuesday. They are fat enough to call any day you eat them “Fat”. And they are delicious!
Be forewarned, because they are baked with yeast they are not something that can be quickly whipped up.
Recipe from Anton Lundberg.
Swedish Pancakes

Not to be confused with the American pancakes, these are more like crapes, with a thin batter spread over a hot frying pan. Filling includes local berries and whip cream! Roll up and serve hot, these delights are delicious!
Recipe from Lars Karlsten.
Swedish Meatballs

Being the American I am, the first thought when I hear “meatballs” is spaghetti. On the contrary, in Sweden meatballs are usually served with baked potatoes or pasta, and jam. The jam is a must. While the recipe in Norrland calls for a mix of moose meat and pork, adjustments can be made for those who do not have moose meat handy.
Recipe from Margareta Karlsten.

These little yellow buns are abundant during Christmas time in Sweden and are specifically baked for Lucia Day. Made with the expensive saffron spice, they hold a unique taste that will soon remind you of the holiday season!
Recipe from Margareta Karlsten.
Lingonberry Jam
After you have fought off the mosquitoes and have successfully collected your lingonberries, what shall you do with them? Time to make some lingonberry jam, a yummy addition to your Swedish meatballs!
Recipe from Margareta Karlsten.
Baked Salmon
This recipe may be very simple, but it is extremely delicious! And this is coming from someone who does not enjoy cooked fish! When you can get your hands on some fresh salmon, try out this recipe. It is one of the favorites of the Karlsten family.
Recipe from Margareta Karlsten.
Swedish Brownies
While brownies are traditionally seen as American, perhaps the Swedes originally brought it over when they immigrated to the new land. For something a little different that still has the classic brownie feel, try this Swedish brownie recipe.
Timbale Cases Cookies
These cookies may seem very complicated at first glance, but they are well worth the extra effort and will surely be something your entire family enjoys.
Egg Coffee
Swedes are known to be chronic coffee drinkers, so it is no wonder they have been able to perfect it. But with egg shells? Check out this surprisingly effective Swedish recipe for coffee.
Rye Bread

Rye bread in Sweden is pretty popular, and now with this recipe you can make your own at home.
Bread is great with lots of butter, some Swedish cheese, and smoked meat. A perfect afternoon fika!
Ginger Cookies

A classic in America, add a taste of Sweden to the classic ginger cookie with this Swedish recipe.
Making the cookies with a moose cookie cutter makes it all that more Swedish! Heart shaped ones are especially popular during the christmas.
Spritz Cookies
These are another classic in Sweden during the holiday season. The great thing about these sugar cookies is that they can be made in various shapes and sizes, as well as decorated!
Check out this easy recipe and bring a bit of Sweden to your home this Christmas!