Mansplaining Hotline Opened in Sweden

This last week, Unionen, a private union in Stockholm, Sweden, set up a hotline for people who feel like they are having something “mansplained” to them. Don’t know what mansplain means? Don’t worry, me neither. Usually, this happens because someone just assumes the person they are explaining to, doesn’t know what they know.  This is … Read more

Swedes Protest Nazis in Stockholm

Awesome Swedes Show Up to Protest Nazi Protest

In Sweden, there is freedom of the press.  Which means, people have the freedom to be racist.

Nazis in Sweden are nothing new. Neo-Nazi’s celebrating the election of a U.S. president? That is something to write about.

A news report has been going around about how the Neo Nazi’s in Sweden gathered in Stockholm on Saturday in the largest protest yet in order to celebrate Mr. Trump’s win of the presidency in the United States.  This meeting was planned for a few days, as I did read a notice from the US Embassy in Stockholm warning travelers of the protest.

500 people gathered together in total to celebrate Trump’s win. Sweden held up its awesomeness though, as thousands gather in order to protest racism and take a stand.

anti nazi protest stockholm

Here is a video of the protest from the UK Independent of the protesters clashing with each other.

Unfortunately one police officer was injured and about 50 were removed from the protest.

I am proud for the awesome Swedes standing up to hate.  A Trump Presidency is scary for a lot of people. Its good to know we have people in Sweden on the side of love and acceptance of everybody just as they are.

The Great Trump Escape

Escape Trump, Move to Sweden

Everyone seems to be surprised about what happened on Tuesday. That is ok. If you want to escape Trump, there is at least one Swedish company willing to help. A Swedish advertising company, Round & Round, based in Stockholm, has put up a website called “The Great Trump Escape.” Since 1/4 of Americans would consider moving outside … Read more


A Look at Immigration in Sweden

James Traub takes an in depth look at immigration in Sweden in his article “The Death of the Most Generous Nation on Earth“. He follows with: Little Sweden has taken in far more refugees per capita than any country in Europe. But in doing so, it’s tearing itself apart. Anybody who is a Swedish Freak should … Read more

Swedes Safest Drivers

Swedes are the Safest Drivers

Sweden has been ranked as the safest drivers in a recent study comparing Sweden and 19 other countries and their death accidents on the road.  This is no accident either.

Sweden has invested in the vision of having zero (yep, ZERO) accidents on the roads with their Vision Zero Initiative.  It happens to be working.  Now other countries can turn to Sweden to see what they are doing right, and hopefully save more lives.

Check out Vision Zero’s video on how they are looking at the issue of road safety.

One thing is for certain. It takes a lot more to get a driver’s license in Sweden than it does in the United States.  Many Europeans have commented on how ridiculously easy it is for American’s to get a license to drive a car.  Not only that, in Europe one must be 18 vs the young 16 we have in the United States (some States let children start driving as young as 14!)

As this great Canadian article puts it, (which inspired this blog post):

Obtaining a driver’s license in Sweden as a novice driver is no easy task. You can only take lessons from a heavily vetted instructor, and for supervised driving with your learner’s permit, Mom or Dad only qualify if they take a course in supervised driving with you.

The theory test contains 65 questions and you have a maximum 50 minutes to complete it. You must get no more than 13 wrong to pass.

There is definitely something to say about what Sweden is doing in order to decrease driving deaths while increasing the number of people on the road.  Way to go Sweden!

Vision Zero is going one step further.  1 million people die around the world every year.  They are looking to not only increase safety in Sweden, but to share their knowledge with the world.

Every year, more than 1 million people die in traffic-related accidents around the world. For people aged between 15 and 29, road traffic accidents are the most common way to die.

Looking at not only how we educate our drivers, but how our roads are constructed and vehicle safety are all a part of Vision Zero’s initiative.

Check out their website to find out more of how Sweden is saving lives on the road.